Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Get Ready For 5 Days of Great Gift Ideas From the Crew!

5 Days of Gift Ideas Banner

So, what is “the Crew” and what is this all about?

Well, the Homeschool Review Crew is the group of homeschool bloggers who get to try out great homeschool curriculum throughout the year and then blog about it. The reviews that we do with the Homeschool Review Crew are mostly homeschool curriculum or supplement materials. However, we also get some great stuff that is just all around fun or healthy for the family. Many of those things make great gifts, so I thought I would do a five day series of posts to tell you all about them.

The gift ideas that I am going to talk about are from this past year’s review period and, rest assured, they are all great! I wouldn’t recommend anything that wasn’t. I will include the links to the actual products but, since I know that when I am buying something new for my family I always like to read what someone else thought, so I will include a link to my review also.
Tomorrow is going to be Day One, and the series will run through Sunday. Here’s an idea of what you can be looking forward to:
I already have all of the suggestions picked out so get ready for some unusual gift ideas that I know your family will love!

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