Thursday, March 5, 2015

Alas! The Embarrassment! The Total Humiliation!

I'm just totally ashamed! I am hanging my head low in failure!

Yesterday I posted part one of a two part series on how Sarah and I taught Joshua and are teaching Jacob how to read. Recently I learned how to make banners using and, since this was a two part story, I wanted to make a neat banner for the two posts.

I wanted the perfect picture so I searched and searched for one on the internet only to end up using one of my own, a picture of John Allen reading his Bible.

I downloaded the picture, added the text, thought it was wonderful, so I saved it and added it to my story. I used that same banner to promote my post on Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram multiple times both last night and today.

Tonight, as I was working on part 2, I downloaded the banner to add to the post and, to my utter shock, saw a horrible error. Can you spot the difference?

No, unfortunately it has nothing to do with the word "to" being on the second line, nor is it the word that I didn't capitalize. It is something else. A simple apostrophe! Oh, the horrors!
What do you do when you've misspelled a word in a banner for an article that gives suggestions on how to teach children to read? There's nothing much you can do but hang your head, take a deep breath, correct what you can, laugh and then write a blog post about it. I've done everything else but I'm not to the laughing stage yet. I'm sure that soon I will be. Especially if my readers can forgive me!
So, instead of writing part 2, which is postponed until tomorrow, I am writing a post about my horrendous mistake. Here it is, folks. I'm ashamed to even type about it but the dirty deed is now done.
Now off to correct my error on Facebook, and Pinterest, and Instagram, and . . .
Oh, the shame!

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