Saturday, November 19, 2011

Today I'm Thankful for Our Ministry

Most of you know that Sarah and I direct a ministry called Good News Mission. To tell you how we ended up living and running a ministry right across the street from the projects would be too long of a story to tell in one post. Maybe a series of posts someday, but not this one. However, I am truly grateful to God for the ministry He has given us and, more importantly, the people that he has us ministring too.

So many times, they minister to us far more than we to them. Take Miss Glenda, the 60 something year old Grandmother who faithfully comes up to the mission every Sunday. She's outlived two husbands but still has a fantastic attitude and loves the Lord. And boy does she work and help others! You can find her at 4am (yes that is 4am in the morning) outside sweeping the sidewalks in the projects. During the day you'll find her visiting the sick, elderly or lonely or helping the maintenance men clean apartments. Don't bother trying to visit after 6pm though. Her blinds will be down and she'll be in bed.

Or take Lauri. She has three daughters - one mentally and physically handicapped. I call her "Martha" because she is constantly up and about working. Even during the Mission, she doesn't sit down. She'll be listening to the lesson while cleaning up the food serving table or doing some other chore. I'll often have to say "Martha sit down!". She may be rough around the edges but we love her.

Or take Diane who is constantly thinking and praying for others. You'll often find her in tears over someone's illness. Or Theresa...or JoAnn...or Ann... they each have their special qualities and we love them all.

And that's just the ladies. We have some wonderful kids that attend the mission as well. Kids who you would never think were listening if it weren't for the special insights that they often give.

I could go on and on about the folks that minister to us just as much as we minister to them, but there wouldn't be any room. We are so thankful for them and for the ministry God has given us.

Thank you Lord for this special ministry that you have given us. Thank you for the dear people that are so special to us. Please bless them tonight even as I right this. Help them to know how much they mean to us and how much we love them. Amen

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