Friday, November 30, 2012
Thanksgiving Meal Video!
My beautiful wife, Sarah, made a video using some of the great pictures that Nathan Lee took at the recent Thanksgiving meal that The Good Samaritan Center invited us to help out with. I thought I would share it with you. You did a beautiful job my princess! Thank you to all that prayed for or helped in any way with The Good Samaritan/Good News Mission Thanksgiving meal.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Forget Black Friday! Shop on line and help Good News Mission as well!
Announcement! Announcement! Announcement!
Sarah and I recently joined a H-U-G-E affiliate group called the Big N Marketplace. We are now affiliates for nearly 250 stores. Everything from the big name stores like Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Circuit City, Target, and K-Mart to name brand stores like Disney Store, GAP, Hanes, and Navy to less known specialty stores like Gamefly, Family Christian, Coffees of Hawaii, The Children's Place, and Bedhead Pajama's, to homeschool stores (ABC Mouse, Reading Eggs) to travel sites and hotel chains to credit cards to restaurant gift name it and you can pretty much find it!
Have you ever wanted to support us or Good News Mission but didn't think you could afford doing so? Well, just shop through our Big N Marketplace stores and buy what you would normally buy anyway, and you'll be helping us out.
Before getting up early and waiting in long lines on Black Friday check out our Big N Marketplace site. Before ordering online on Cyber Monday check out our Big N Marketplace.
All you have to do is click here -
You can skip the first page - unless you're really interested of course

Prices are no different than what they normally would be, in fact, they may even be cheaper. Also, all of the coupons, discounts, gift cards, etc. that you would normally use at a particular store can still be used. Remember, you are at the stores regular website.
Something else that you may want to know is that we will not know who purchased something, what was purchased or any personal information. We just get a commission check.
So, why fight traffic and crowds when you can get all of your Christmas gifts and more shipped right to your door? Do your shopping through our Big N Marketplace and help us and our ministry. Thanks ahead of time!
Monday, November 19, 2012
Ministry Highlight - It's A Wrap! Over 800 Fed!
This year we were able to team up with another local ministry for our annual holiday meal. The Good Samaritan Center is a fantastic organization that services the low income folks of our community with monthly food boxes and meets other needs. They felt God leading them to have a Thanksgiving meal similar to our Christmas meal and wanted to know if we would be willing to join them. Because we service so many of the same individuals and often work together, we heartily agreed. Approximately 100 volunteers were able to feed over 800 individuals this year. It was split almost evenly between 400 folks that ate in at the community center and 400 shut-ins and other folks to which we delivered meals. Thank you, Lord, for supplying the wonderful volunteers set up, cook and serve; for the generous folks who provided mashed potatoes, gravy, dressing, desserts, green beans, rolls and more; for the folks who opened up their businesses to cook the 40 turkeys; for the drivers who provided rides and delivered to shut-ins and others who were not able to come to eat at the community center; and for all that prayed for the event.
Volunteers of all ages came...
to debone turkeys,...
prepare take-outs,...
and deliver to shut-ins.
Local pastors came to give the Gospel,...
individuals came to entertain,...
and even more volunteers came to help serve...
even more individuals.
Praise be to God!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Growing Up Wild!
At first glance, after reading the post title Growing up Wild, you might think by the title that this post is going to be about the Tinkel boys

Although I am a big softy, homeschool materials aren't usually items that bring me to tears. This one did! You see, Sarah and I, even before we got married, prayed about what God would have us do with our lives. Even before marriage, I thought that God might be leading me onto the mission field. Sarah had a similar vision for her life so, after marriage, we prayed that way. We always thought that God would place us on the foreign mission field but, instead, He chose a small town in Tennessee for us to minister to low income folks. Perhaps it was because He knew we would have three very unique sons, two of which are on the autism spectrum. Whatever the reason, we are content with what God has given us.
That doesn't stop us from dreaming about the future and what God might have us do in our later years. We still have a burden for lost souls all over the world. These verses from Romans 10 still stir our hearts:
14 But how can they
call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in
him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless
someone tells them? 15 And how will anyone
go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, “How
beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!”
Those verses were verses that God used to stir the hearts of Mike and Elizabeth Wild and eventually lead them to minister to a remote tribal group in Papua, Indonesia called the Wano people. While there, they began filming their four sons and the many adventures they had as missionary children growing up in a foreign land. They explained that at first, it was just a creative outlet during their spare time. Soon, however, they began to wonder if there creative endeavor could actually be used as "a tool to influence an army of future missionaries that would take the Gospel to the remaining unreached people groups of the world." That is how Growing up Wild began.
Growing up Wild is really very simple. The Wild parents filmed their four boys learning about the different world and culture around them, ministering, going about their daily activities, and just having fun. They then took those many home movies and made 15 short lessons with activity suggestions for each.
I think that the first thing that caught my attention was the beautiful music that was composed just for this series. Then, how can I not mention the awesome scenery that is in each episode. We received Volume One and Volume Four of the five volumes of Growing up Wild that have been produced so far.
Volume One includes:
Home Sweet Hut - discusses homes and family life in the Wano tribe, how the Wild brother's home is different than a regular Wano home, and how it is different than the typical home in the United States.
Supply Trip - talks about how living in a remote location makes it challenging when it comes to shopping for every day things. You can't just hop into a car and drive to the local Wal-Mart. Instead, you must plan for months in advance and shop for supplies that will last for a long time.
Sun and Water - teaches how they have learned to harness the sun and water to become useful things for the Wild home.

Volume Four includes:
Amazing World Around us - talks about the different mammals, reptiles and insects that you find in the jungle.
Adventures in Culture - describes how different the way of thinking and the way of life is in the Wano tribe. WARNING - this episode includes a scene where two of the Wild brothers get their noses pierced!
Tribal Calling - describes how God called the Wilds to work with the Wano people.
Each episode is fascinating and very well done. The activity guides, included on a separate DVD, are equally as well done. I love the way the Wild parents have weaved different school subjects into the activity guides. You might be drawing the world around you as one activity, filling in a Ven Diagram in another, or encouraged to talk to an elder in another. My boys, especially Joshua have absolutely loved all of the episodes. Although we have watched each one, though, we have only worked on the activities that are included with volume one so far. We can't wait to delve into the activities that will be included in the fourth volume.
Every one in the Tinkel family would have to give Growing up Wild 10 thumbs up (two for each member of the family!). We really did love each episode. It makes you want to jump up and go to live with, work with and minister to people of another culture. The episodes are fascinating, educational and heart stirring all in one. You can really tell that the Wild family has a heart for the Wano people. Oh that God would give us all the same types of hearts for the people around us. Hearts that love and accept people even when they are different than us and long to teach those people about the saving grace of Jesus.
I don't think that I have ever been more serious than this. You really need to purchase these videos for you children. At $18.99 for each volume separately or $80.99 for the entire set, they are very affordable. I can't wait until we receive the other three volumes to complete our set. Just click here or on any one of the hi-lighted links above to learn more about how to buy these awesome videos.
As usual many of the other TOS Review Crew members reviewed Growing Up Wild and you can find what they had to say by clicking here. Happy Home Educating.
Disclaimer: As a member of the TOS Review Crew I received Vol. 1 and Vol.4 of Growing Up Wild for free in order to use and give my honest review on this blog.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
I've been nominated! Please Vote For Me!
I'm a day late and a dollar short on this post. Actually about a week late because the voting has been going on for a week already. However, I've been nominated for the Best Homeschool Dad Blog award on the HSBA website. HSBA has been hosting these awards for quite a few years now and they have become a pretty big thing in the homeschool blog world.
I am very honored to be nominated again and would love to have you vote. Just click here and it will take you straight to the voting page. My blog is the fourth one down on the list. You can vote once a day on each internet accessible device that you own. So, vote on your desktop, laptop, tablet, kindle, nook, phone every day until Thursday! Thanks ahead of time!
Monday, November 12, 2012
EIW - PAL - Just Call me a Slacker!
Yep, you read correctly! Just call me a slacker. Once again I'm handing a review off to my wife. That's twice this year! Once a couple of weeks ago on another review and now on this one. Before you begin to stone me, though, maybe I should explain.I am the main homeschooler in our home. I am responsible for John Allen, our oldest in high school and for Joshua our asperger's syndrome 11 year old in elementary school. Sarah, though, has always been gracious in helping me and she has always been the one to teach the boys when they are in kindergarten. Last year we tried to begin our youngest, Jacob, in kindergarten but found out after a few weeks that he just wasn't quite ready. We continued to work with him a little bit but nothing full time. This year, however, we knew he was ready and were overjoyed when we found out that we would be reviewing EIW's (Excellence in Writing) new PAL (Primary Arts of Language) program for kindergarten through second grade students. We have reviewed EIW's excellent writing program with my oldest and it is one of those "keepers". "Keepers" are the review items that we keep on using even after our review time is over. With the dozens of items that we have reviewed over the years, trust me, if an item is a "keeper" then it has to be good.
So with EIW producing one "keeper" for us then we had high expectations for their new PAL Program. However, since, Sarah is the main person who used it with Jacob, I am going to do one of those question and answer "reporter on the street" type reviews. I'll ask Sarah a question, and then record her answer. Here goes!
What items did we receive to review?
I can answer this one without my dear wife's help. We generously received everything in both the PAL Reading Program and the PAL Writing Program. Here's what's included with each (copied from the website because, after all, I am a slacker

The Primary Arts of Language: Reading Complete Package includes:
- Includes the following:
- Instructional Video by Jill Pike
- The Four Language Arts MP3 Audio by Andrew Pudewa
- Nurturing Competent Communicators MP3 Audio by Andrew Pudewa
- Poetry as an Integrator MP3 Audio by Anna Ingham
- Intro to the Blended Sound Sight Program MP3 Audio by Anna Ingham
- Primary Arts of Language: Reading Student Book (e-book)
The Primary Arts of Language: Writing Complete Package includes:
- Includes the following:
- Instructional Video by Jill Pike
- Reading Comprehension MP3 Audio by Adam Andrews
- Dictation, Narration, and Public Speaking MP3 Audio by Andrew Pudewa
- The Four Language Arts MP3 Audio by Andrew Pudewa
- Primary Arts of Language: Writing Student Books (e-book)
- Units 1 & 2 in the K–2 Classroom MP3 Audio by Shirley George
- Unit 3 in the K–2 Classroom MP3 Audio by Shirley George
- Preparing the K-2 Writing Environment MP3 Audio by Richelle Palmer
Is it quality made and attractive looking material?
The material is very well made and looks very attractive. It is not cheaply made at all. The covers of the books were glossy, sturdy covers and the disks were professionally made. EIW is not a fly by night company. Even the things that are printed out look great and are appealing to the child.
How easy is it for the teacher to get used to and use program?
It took a little bit of getting used to but after you got used to using the material and the way it flowed it was very easy to use. It was almost like a "curriculum for dummies"! All you have to do is follow what it says. Everything is explained very well and the lesson plans are presented and explained well. However, ease of use does not mean that it is a skimpy program. It is very thorough and well planned out. You can tell that the authors of the program did their research. And, they weren't afraid to pull in other sources that complimented their program like the All About Spelling program.
Is there much preparation?
There is some preparation but not an overwhelming amount. There are games that have to be made and some pages that need to be copied but everything is included in either the large spiral bound teachers manuals or on the CD's. The games are a very important part of the curriculum. They are "file folder games" that I just copy from the huge game book. After mounting the game on a regular file folder I laminate it using contact paper. Once the original game is made then you add the small pieces. You add pieces to the games almost every day because each day builds on the previous day.
Tell me about a typical day using EIW's PAL Program.
They always start the day with a poem or reading. This program is very phonics oriented. However, where some programs start out with the child learning the vowel and consonant sounds, this program has the child learning consonant and vowel blends. After learning a blend, you play a game that reinforces the sounds learned that day.
Later, I read a story and ask questions about what I just read. This makes them use thinking skills, reasoning and helps them with listening comprehension.
This program really appeals to different learning styles. Each day there are tactile activities, listening activities and visual activities. Jacob may write letters on a wipe erase board one day but then make them using shaving cream on a table the next day. Some days may include cutting and pasting activities as well. Almost every day there is a worksheet that reinforces visual skills. However, these aren't disjointed activities, they all have something to do with what is being learned that day and each day builds on what was previously learned.
Also, the curriculum is designed so that if a child is having difficulty with a concept or is getting frustrated, you can just stop and pick it up again the next day. The program is very flexible and not rigid whatsoever. You can go as quickly or as slowly as you and the child needs.
Is Jacob learning and does he enjoy it?
Yes! We have tried other things with him and this seems to be the one program that fits his learning style and needs. The other programs have been good programs, but for some reason this one really clicks with him. He loves making the "squeally e" and other sounds, and he loves playing the games. Feeding "Mugs" his bones is one of his favorite activities. Placing the stickers on the "Phonics Farm" folder is also a highlight of the day. The tactile activities are also some of his favorites. Writing on the wipe erase board and with shaving cream has helped him use his large motor skills and also learn his letters.
Do you like it?
I love using it. It is very easy to use and is fun not only for the child but for me as well. I enjoy watching him play the games and spending time with him. It isn't a battle or a struggle to get him to work because he really enjoys it. When the child enjoys a curriculum it is so much easier for the teacher to use. We haven't used many of the readers yet, but what we have used is very entertaining and fun. We also aren't far enough into the curriculum to have used the All About Spelling books but we have used that before with Joshua and I know Jacob is going to enjoy it as well.
Overall what rating would you give EIW's PAL Program?
We absolutely love this program. There are not enough thumbs-up or stars to give this program. It is definitely a keeper.
How much does all of this cost?
Well, I can go ahead and answer that one as well. Believe it or not, the Primary Arts of Language: Writing Complete Package is just $89 and the Primary Arts of Language: Reading Complete Package is only $69. Trust me, I have reviewed a lot of things and been to homeschool conventions and priced a lot of other packages and these are great prices. Just click here or on any one of the hi-lighted links above to find out more.
As usual, many other members of the TOS Review Crew reviewed the EIW PAL program and you can find what they had to say by clicking here. Happy Homeschooling!
Disclaimer: As a member of the TOS Review Crew I was sent Excellence in Writings complete Primarey Arts of Language Writing Program and Reading Program in order to try out and give an honest review on this blog.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Too Wise to Be Mistaken, Too Good to Be Unkind
I think I've mentioned just a few times that our family loves to read. Well, recently I was excited when we were given several choices of books from Grace & Truth Books to choose from for a TOS Review Crew review. I looked through the list and listed a couple of books that I thought the boys would like as my first and second choices. I saw the book Too Wise to Be Mistaken, Too Good to Be Unkind: Christian Parents Contend With Autism by Cathy Steere and listed it as my third choice because two of our children are on the autism spectrum. I really didn't want to review it because we already have several books on autism and I really wasn't up to reviewing another, but, since it was on the list I decided to include it but really didn't expect (and deep down was hoping not) to be chosen to review it.
Well, lo and behold, wouldn't you know that my first and second choices were, indeed, passed over and I was notified that we would be reviewing Too Wise to Be Mistaken, Too Good to Be Unkind: Christian Parents Contend With Autism. I was a little disappointed, but, after all, I had included it as my third choice. It was really my fault. I'd have to put up with it.
God has a sense of humor. He always knows what is good for us even when we don't. This is actually an excellent book for our family. God knew what we needed.
So, what is it about Too Wise to Be Mistaken, Too Good to Be Unkind is so different than the other books on autism that we have? As I was thinking about that question I realized what it was. Just as any parent, parents of a disabled child love their child so much that they would do anything to fix their hurts. I know that when our oldest was diagnosed with cancer we ran out and researched every thing that we could about the type of tumor that John Allen was diagnosed with. That, again, happened when Joshua was diagnosed with aspergers syndrome. We bought book after book on autism and sensory difficulties. The only problem was, all of the books that we purchased were books on describing what an autistic child was like and how to help him. They were all good books, but they were all academic - "here's what they're like, here's how to help them" type books. Although I wanted to help my children, all of the advice and information just started to run together after a while.
As I read through Cathy Steere's book
I realized that something was different. I couldn't put my finger on it at first, but finally I understood why. Cathy didn't write a book with a lot of information, she wrote a book that told her story. It was about herself; her husband, David; their youngest son, Elliot; and their autistic son, Drew. It was their story. It starts from the time Drew was born and continues through the time when they first realized something was wrong. It goes on to talk about the time Drew was diagnosed and continues talking about their life up to the time the book was finished. As I read through the book, though, I realized it wasn't just their story - it was also our story. At each stage in their journey I could see our family. I nodded my head in agreement when she was describing the things that her son did when he was younger. I cried with her when she realized that her son probably had autism. My heart wrenched with hers as she realized why her son had acted in different ways. I felt guilt when she felt guilt for the way she responded to things that her son did. I grieved, became frustrated, rejoiced with them through the different stages in their autism walk. Why did I have these emotions? Because I went through the same thing and it was like reliving our experience. At the same time, though, it was refreshing to realize that we aren't the only ones. There is someone else out there that understands. Someone that's been through the same thing we have.
Joshua - between me and Sarah and Jacob - in front. Our two awesome autism spectrum sons (along with their awesome older brother and cancer survivor John Allen).
The "this is what to look for and this is what to do" stuff is there, but it's there because it's part of the story. Someone can still learn about the do's and do not's of autism, however, instead of dry facts you learn from, it's living experience that you learn from. There are ways to help my boys that I even learned that I am going to do further research on.
This book is a heart wrenching but wonderful book all wrapped up into one. Heart wrenching because you actually see what a family with an autistic child goes through, but wonderful because it also shows that there is hope and there are people to help you. I would recommend this book to anyone. With statistics saying that 1 in 100 (or even less than 100) children being born today will be diagnosed with some form of autism, if you haven't been personally touched by someone on the autism spectrum chances are that someday you will be. This book gives a great perspective as to what living with an autistic child is like. If you have been blessed (and, yes, I consider it a blessing) with a child on the spectrum, then To Wise to Be Mistaken, Too Good to Be Unkind, I feel will be a very therapeutic book for you. I know it was (and still is) for me. As I mentioned before, I even learned some new things that I am going to further research.
Really there is nothing that I can think of that should hinder you from reading this book. The price of $9.75 for the physical glossy covered, paper back book or $5.50 for the ebook can't be beat. Just click here or on any one of the hi-lighted links above to get to the Grace & Truth Books website.
Oh, and do you remember those other books that I put down as my first and second choice? Well, other members of the TOS Review Crew reviewed those and other wonderful books published by Grace and Truth Books and you can find what they had to say by clicking here. Happy Homeschooling!
Disclaimer: As a member of the TOS Review Crew I was sent a free copy of Too Wise to Be Mistaken, Too Good to be Unkind in order to read and give my honest review on this blog.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Autumn Fun!
Autumn is always a special time for the Tinkel family. Not only is it very beautiful in the mountains of Tennessee, but we also have a tremendous amount of fun. Just within the past couple of weeks we enjoyed a corn maze with our church, Cades Cove in the Smoky Mountains with the family and, of course, Halloween. Here are some of the highlights captured in pictures.
Autumn Acres is always something that we look forward to every fall. We have been to many corn maze/pumpkin patch farms over the years and this one is one of the best. We always have a great time. Here are the boys with one of their friends, Danny. Oh, and by the way, John Allen's pants were really long enough for him. I have no idea where the "high water" look came from!
The Smoky Mountains in the fall are BEAUTIFUL with a capital B! We love stopping at Cades Cove for a picnic and then driving through the loop. This year we saw dozens of deer, many turkeys (my sons not included!) and even a bear. It's even more fun when you can treasure it with extended family. This time around we enjoyed the company of Sarah's mom and nephew. Yes, the trees and the stream in the background is real. It's not one of those photography backgrounds in a studio. Have I mentioned that the Smokys are beautiful?
We are not big Halloween people. Usually we spend the evening helping our church with trunk-or-treat or having a special even at the mission that we direct. This year, however, we just decided to spend it as a family. The kids didn't sweat over dressing up (all three costumes were put together with things around the house with less than $10 worth of accessories purchased) and we went to a just a few places. Still the kids got quite a bit of candy and, of course, Mom and Dad had to collect a "candy tax" (all chocolate) for driving the kids around. As you can see, Jacob had a bit of a hard time deciding what he was going to be. Should he dress up like big brother with a crazy wig and glasses, or should he dress up as John Cena, his favorite WWE wrestler? John Cena won. So much for big brother's influence!
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