Thank you so much to the folks who nominated me!
For those who are visiting my blog trying to decide who to vote for this year, my wife, Sarah, and I, Tim, are full time missionaries who work with low income folks in a small town in northern Tennessee near the Kentucky border. We have three fantastic but unique boys - John Allen is 17 and is a cancer survivor with an artificial eye, Joshua is 12 and has aspergers syndrome, and Jacob is 7 and is developmentally delayed and is also on the autism spectrum. Life is very exciting and, needless to say, there is never a dull moment in our household.
Recently, however, life has been a little more exciting than we have wanted it to be. We were very blessed to be able to travel and minister this summer as a family for six weeks. Right before we left, our middle child, Joshua, had a severe panic attack. We were hoping and praying that it was just a one time thing, but, unfortunately it has not turned out that way. He has had several more since then and has also had other disturbing things happen to him such as shortness of breath, and unusual tics that he did not have before. Recently, his occupational therapist came to us and mentioned that she noticed some things as well and that he was actually digressing in therapy instead of progressing. We have had quite an ordeal trying to find what the problem is. Around the same time as all of this started to happen he switched medications and, ugh, also hit puberty, so it could be a number of things that are causing the problems.
I mention all of this not only for the plea for prayer, but also to give an explanation as to why I have not been blogging as much recently. We have had to give up many of the things that we have loved to do in order to care for Joshua and to give extra time to our other two children in order that they not feel left out. Recently I had to resign from The Old Schoolhouse Review Crew and had to say "no" to other blogging opportunities because I just do not have the time. I have not given up blogging totally, but it has had to take a back seat to some other crucial things for the time being.
I do thank you for visiting my blog and for your vote if you should choose to vote for Families Again instead of one of the other fantastic Dad blogs that have been nominated this year. Please have a look around and click on some of the labels listed to the right to read some of my past blog posts. Thank you again for visiting. God Bless.
For those who are visiting my blog trying to decide who to vote for this year, my wife, Sarah, and I, Tim, are full time missionaries who work with low income folks in a small town in northern Tennessee near the Kentucky border. We have three fantastic but unique boys - John Allen is 17 and is a cancer survivor with an artificial eye, Joshua is 12 and has aspergers syndrome, and Jacob is 7 and is developmentally delayed and is also on the autism spectrum. Life is very exciting and, needless to say, there is never a dull moment in our household.
Recently, however, life has been a little more exciting than we have wanted it to be. We were very blessed to be able to travel and minister this summer as a family for six weeks. Right before we left, our middle child, Joshua, had a severe panic attack. We were hoping and praying that it was just a one time thing, but, unfortunately it has not turned out that way. He has had several more since then and has also had other disturbing things happen to him such as shortness of breath, and unusual tics that he did not have before. Recently, his occupational therapist came to us and mentioned that she noticed some things as well and that he was actually digressing in therapy instead of progressing. We have had quite an ordeal trying to find what the problem is. Around the same time as all of this started to happen he switched medications and, ugh, also hit puberty, so it could be a number of things that are causing the problems.
I mention all of this not only for the plea for prayer, but also to give an explanation as to why I have not been blogging as much recently. We have had to give up many of the things that we have loved to do in order to care for Joshua and to give extra time to our other two children in order that they not feel left out. Recently I had to resign from The Old Schoolhouse Review Crew and had to say "no" to other blogging opportunities because I just do not have the time. I have not given up blogging totally, but it has had to take a back seat to some other crucial things for the time being.
I do thank you for visiting my blog and for your vote if you should choose to vote for Families Again instead of one of the other fantastic Dad blogs that have been nominated this year. Please have a look around and click on some of the labels listed to the right to read some of my past blog posts. Thank you again for visiting. God Bless.