Sunday, April 12, 2015

God is Faithful - Scripture Sunday

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

Sarah and I chose this verse as one of our life verses many years ago. It has meant a lot to us over the years when we have had difficulties in life, ministry, and, of course, with the health problems of our children. Hearing the news that your child has cancer or is autistic or developmentally delayed is difficult as is disappointments and set backs in ministry. 

The recent change in our ministry and life has put this verse back in the forefront of our thoughts again. This verse has given us reassurance that God knows what He is doing. Everything is going to be okay. Although it is hard, we know that and we know that we will come out better for it and our ministry will be even stronger for it.

When you go through trials and tribulations in life, remember this verse. Maybe even memorize it and write it upon your heart so that you can be reminded that God is always in control. He knows what he is doing. He is faithful.

Thank you, Lord, for being faithful at all times. Thank you for loving us and taking care of us. Thank you for all of the blessings that you have given us. Please help us to be reminded of  many things that you have blessed us with instead of the trials that we may be going through. 
We love you Lord.


  1. Dear beloved Brother in CHRIST Greetings in the name of Jesus, our LORD and SAVIOUR

    We are all brothers in the Body of Christ there is no reason to supporting others because of we have been to edify the saints who are living in want and poverty They worship in Spirit and in Truth but are hungry and needy. Ephe: 1: 4. , Mathew: 25: 35 to 40 and “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble.” James 1:27
    I was blessed by my visit to your Blog today and I pray the Holy Spirit will be poured upon you as you touch the hearts who visit your site. YOU’RE SITE IS AN ANOINTMENT FROM GOD and I truly have been blessed by my visit here more than you will ever know.

    We want to know more about your Ministry. So please send some literature, Magazine, Newsletter and Books. The Holy Bibles for free distortion for our community people God Bless you all. I AM EAGERLY WAITING FOR YOUR REPLY .

    You are in our daily prayers
    Blessings to you all
    Pastor. K. A. Lincoln

  2. That is one of my all time favorite verses. It speaks volumes to me and all of us about His love for us. His plans for us. His hope for us in our crazy, chaotic world. So glad to see you back on the crew!
